
Your Choices Don’t Matter At All

I had no idea you could fall back into a hell that you’re already in but, it sure as heck happened.

Hi, just thought I’d share something wholesome thats kinda thanks to you. So, a few years ago, at a con, I bought a handmade sans plush (before official ones were made). My two year old neice fell in love, and since she couldnt say ‘sans’ (too difficult) we used.. Snoos. After I had to move 1000+ miles away.. I gave it to her. That ‘snoos’ has gone through a lot of my tears, and now hers. And everytime we skype, she tells me how ‘snoos’ is doing, and how ‘snoos’ misses me. Thanks for Snoos! <3

Thats super wholesome and great!! thank you for sharing such a nice story with me! I’m honored that I (kind of) got to be a part of such an adorable story!

hi! it world be nice if you would add image descriptions to your blind frisk art. images and the internet in general are frequently inaccessible for those with disabilities, and it’s even more of a bummer when content featuring disabled people isn’t accessible to them. thanks!

Hello! Thank you for your brilliant suggestion! I’m sad to admit that I hadn’t even considered that.

A slight problem is, however, that I have no idea what an image description will entail? I’ll definitely look into it myself, but I will be going into this completely blind, I’m afraid. Like, can i put it under a cut? Or would it get in the way? Since its a comic it’ll probably get pretty long. Should i describe whats going on only or the entirety as individual images?

There’s a lot of questions. Either way I’ll look into some resources and transcript the dialogue under a cut for now.

(It’ll probably help reading the comic too, i have pretty bad handwriting)


Anyways, thank you again for the suggestion!

Have a scrapped part for the Blind Frisk project because its been a while~